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Smoothie with Coconut and Pineapple (750 ml)

24,50 lei

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Large smoothie for the whole family, with Coconut and Pineapple. A little more good for the body and the soul.

Passionate about coconut-pineapple? Try the small version, to drink it on the go, here.

Ingredients: 40% banana puree, 28% pineapple juice, 10% orange juice, 10% apple juice, 10% coconut milk, 2% lemon juice, Vitamin C

Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple, an exotic fruit, reminds us of tropical sun and vacations, but it is also a major health asset. It is moisturizing, and is recognized for its very high water content (85.5%)

Good for bones

Pineapple provides a real benefit to the health of the bones in our body. This fruit is an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that is essential for the proper absorption of calcium in the body.

Source of manganese and copper and vitamins

Fresh pineapple and pineapple juice are excellent sources of manganese and copper. Copper is an important mineral for health including energy production. It helps maintain the nervous and immune systems and activates genes. It also contributes to brain development and the formation of hemoglobin and collagen.
Pineapple provides vitamins C, A, E and the entire B complex. In fact, 150 g of pineapple provides 80 mg of vitamin C, 100% of the recommended daily allowance. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and premature aging and strengthens the immune system.

Good in diets

Pineapple is a great and healthy snack because it is low in calories and carbohydrates. A slice of pineapple has only 42 calories of which 4% are carbohydrates. Most of its composition is water and a type of insoluble fiber that the body cannot digest. This fiber leaves a feeling of satiety, reducing appetite and preventing excesses in meals or snacks between meals.


One cup of pineapple chunks (165g) contains:
Protein 1 gram, Fiber 2.3 grams, Vitamin C 88% of RDA, Manganese 109% of RDA, Copper 20% of RDA

The benefits of consuming coconut

It helps digestion and calms hunger

Coconut is rich in fiber that helps digestion: about 9g per 100g. The fruit is a real ally for the digestive system, because the fibers favor intestinal transit. Coconut contains saturated fat that is easier to digest and less likely to be stored as fat.


One coconut contains up to 400 ml of coconut water which is very hydrating and useful especially after intense sports activity. Many athletes prefer water or coconut juice to energy drinks or other drinks. The reason? In addition to being highly hydrating and rich in performance-enhancing nutrients, coconut water contains magnesium, calcium, and potassium that help improve recovery after exercise and prevent cramps.

Coconut milk, a good source of magnesium and nutrients

Magnesium is essential for maintaining good heart function and blood pressure. Other nutrients that coconut milk provides include folic acid, zinc and vitamin B3. Coconut milk can easily be consumed in drinks, especially juices with other fruits.


A glass of coconut milk (240 ml) contains:
Protein 5 grams, Iron 22% RDA, Potassium 18% RDA, Magnesium 22% RDA, Vitamin C 11% RDA, Copper 32% RDA.

Additional information

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
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Informații nutriționale 100ml/100g

energetic value 322 kj / 78 kcal
fats 1,8 g
of which saturated fatty acids 1,6 g
carbohydrates 13,8 g
of which sugars 11, 6 g
dietary fiber 1,8 g
protein 0,7 g
salt 0,01 g
vimamin C 42 mg